transformational Social Justice for african women
Our nonprofit helps donors and philanthropists act with urgency to achieve long-term global impact
Women II Social Justice II Livelihoods
Solving The Poverty Problem in West Africa
ScaleUp Africa is dedicated to achieving transformational social justice through women-led nonprofits and social enterprises in West Africa.
We are a women-led ‘action tank’ serving as a local strategic advisor, implementation partner and grantmaker.
With over 10,000 women and youth who have benefited from our innovative projects, pilots and events since 2020, we are now a nonprofit (Ghana and USA), ready to deepen our impact with new donors, partners, and supporters.

Re-imagining Corporate CSR and Supply Chains For SMEs - Unlocking Millions of Jobs
Engage with an external thought leader and implementation partner like Scaleup Africa, to design and deliver cutting-edge ESG and CSR initiatives to drive collective corporate and broader socio-economic development in Green Growth, Gender Equality and Jobs etc

IGNITE Insights For Donor Advised Funds, Wealth and Philanthropy Advisors
A culmination of conversations, feedback, interviews, and real nuggets from ScaleUp Africa’s IGNITE Business Festival. Learn more about how to build better impact investing pipelines and support job creation for tens of millions …