Effective Philanthropy In Action

Progressive Donors, Philanthropy Advisors and Fundraisers can join our collaborative network to shift power by giving grants towards improving productivity and livelihoods in Africa. 

Together we can overcome systemic hardship and deprivation, implementing practical training and resourcing sustainable socio-economic initiatives for lasting community impact.

Discover new inspiration, initiatives and ideas to achieve simple, effective
'Real Impact' globally


Did you know that out of over 260,000 global grant-making organizations, less than 1% exist in Africa? (Harvard)


We’re systems thinkers and excellent implementers with strong local relationships committed to root-cause problem-solving.

We help progressive, socially minded global donors, philanthropy advisors and fundraisers to achieve their ambitious impact goals. 

Your support will help scale our initiatives to achieve long-term impact with our communities and ecosystem of stakeholders by tackling historic challenges and causes:


Gender, racial & Social justice

economic development

Youth Development

livelihoods & workforce development

Climate change & Circular economy

Food Systems & Agricultural development

Social & Nonprofit Sector Strengthening

narrative change & creative Industries


Grants and Support


speed, urgency and action
for dignified Livelihoods and wealth redistribution


stronger, more diverse opportunities to create decent jobs in africa for a more stable world


personal growth and renewed purpose in diverse regions

What We Offer

By joining our exclusive Annual Donor-Partner membership, you’ll experience:

  • Access to expertise that prioritizes effective action, local partnerships and speed 
  • Philanthropy Trip: feel the impact, meet local leaders, visit our project sites and enjoy our curated, unforgettable Arts & Impact Tour to Ghana
  • Effective Philanthropy that enables positive climate, community, youth / women’s economic empowerment, social justice, and livelihood outcomes. 
  • No conferences Just action, grantmaking, support and growth that changes lives
  • Becoming Visionary develop a deeper sense of happiness, purpose, connection and global leadership by working with us to diversify and simplify your giving. 

© copyright - ScaleUp Africa c/o Build Up, Inc. , 5 Commerce Road, Unit 3051 Newtown, CT 06470, USA